Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ISIS to SIS to CIA...

ISIS is a SIS.. No really, that's what their website says!!!

Well well well.... Look who's changed their name!!

Let us review recent history.....

On January 11th of this lovely new year, I published the article "Who is Isis, and Why do they have offices in Washington DC".... and in that article I showed not only the links to the website of the Mercenary company called "ISIS" in Washington DC, I also posted screen shots of their site:

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Who is ISIS, and Why do they have offices in Washington DC?

Perhaps this will shine a little light about ISIS.  Perhaps this will spotlight what we've always known?

Coincidence?   Yea..... I think NOT.

  So there I was this evening, perusing through the latest news updates for this weekend's Transpicuous News report, and my husband Nick says to me:  "HEY!  Remember that story you did about ISIS in Washington?  Well look at their site now!!"

New Screen shots of the website..... I've circled and highlighted a few changes they've made... you know, just tiny changes, like.... Changing their Name,  Changing their acronym......  Same ol' site though- look, third screen shot- they are still using the same web address that is under the name ISIS!!!

Awwwwwwww..... Did all of us going public with this information ruin your Secret?   Now all I have to do is to connect the dots between the letters ISIS to SIS to CIA.....

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